Dharma Teachers
Roshi Taigen Henderson, Abbot of Toronto Zen Centre
Sister Thich nu Tinh Quang, Resident Zen Teacher, Little Heron Zen Hermitage
Sayalay Susila, Founder & Head Nun, Appamada Vihara Meditation Centre
Instructors of Learning Modules
Ven. Bhante Kusala, Buddhist monk and spiritual counsellor (West End Buddhist Temple)
Ven. Thich nu Tinh Quang, Buddhist nun (Little Heron Zen Hermitage) and previously psychotherapist.
Ms. Linda Hochstetler, Social Worker and Psychotherapist, Primary Teacher of Awaken in Toronto
Dr. Kenneth Fung, Psychiatrist (University Health Network), Professor (University of Toronto), MD, FRCPC, MSc, FAPA, FCPA
Dr. Albert Allen, Toronto Psychiatrist, Buddhist Education Foundation of Canada Fellow in Buddhism & Psychiatry 2016-17
Dr. Glen Choi, Professor of Culture and Religion, Seneca College
Mr. Michael Dougan, Registered Psychotherapist
Mr. Charles Chiarelli, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Other Visiting Teachers
Supervisor-Educator for Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy
Karen Fox, MA, MDiv, RP
Certified Supervisor-Educator with the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care.
Supervisor for Fellow in Buddhism and Psychiatry
Dr. Kenneth Fung, Staff Psychiatrist, Toronto Western Hospital,
Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto